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Court House     

Welcome to Chester County e-Filing website.

This service will allow you to initiate a case or file to an existing case electronically. But you must first request an account which is then approved by the Clerk.

Please review the Terms of Use policy.

Thank you for your participation in the use of our e-Filing system.


I understand that, if I file, I am responsible for redacting information that should not be viewed by the public and that this responsibility applies to all documents, including attachments.

I understand that my filings may be available for public viewing as filed and will display any or all of the following information unless redacted by me prior to filing:

  • Security or Taxpayer-Identification Numbers
  • Dates of Birth
  • Names of Minor Children
  • Financial Account Number.

Log In

Enter your User Name and Password.
I have read and agree to the Redaction Notice and the updated User Agreement dated 07/18/22 06:00 PM.

Welcome to the Chester County efiling application!

Click here to view the updated User Agreement, effective 07/18/2022, 6:00 PM EST.

ATTENTION: Please be advised that the e-Filing system will be down for maintenance on Sunday, April 6, 2025 from 5:30 AM – 4:00 PM. We apologize for any inconvenience.

When entering your case number, the eFiling system requires that you use the two digit letter extension assigned to your case based on your case type. If you do not have the case type extension, please click here to reference the extension guide.

Click here to go to our website for helpful eFiling tips!

Click here for a helpful list of eFlex changes and error messages.